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Top 10 Questions About Chiropractic Care

1. What conditions can Dr. Free successfully treat?

Common conditions successfully treated by chiropractic are headaches (migraines, chronic and acute headaches), TMJ symptoms, neck pain, arm pain and or numbness, carpal tunnel syndrome, mid and low back pain, leg pain/ and or numbness, restless leg syndrome, knee and ankle pain.If your pain or condition is caused by a pinched nerve or muscle spasm, Dr. Free can help relieve the pain and speed up the healing process. From the evaluation and x-ray study, he will be able to prescribe the very best treatment options for your type of condition.

2. Are chiropractic treatments painful?

No. Over the years, Dr. Free has developed pain free chiropractic techniques and instruments to relax muscles and adjust the spine. At Free Chiropractic Centre, our goal is "Gentle Pain Relief" and we do everything we can to make this possible.

3. How many treatments will it take?

Most conditions are divided into two categories: chronic or acute. Treatments for chronic conditions can last six months or longer, while acute conditions take six weeks or less. A chronic condition may require six to eight weeks of treatment (3 times per week), while an acute case may require three to four weeks (3 times per week).

4. What is the cost of chiropractic care?

Like all medical expenses, the cost of chiropractic care depends greatly upon the type of injury, time necessary for healing, and treatment options. It also depends on the number of x-rays, frequency of treatments, and type of therapy used to treat the injury. It should be noted that consistent chiropractic care is usually less expensive than traditional methods. Please ask our professional staff about the cost of treatment and our affordable payment options.

5. Will my insurance cover the treatments?

Yes. Many insurance policies do cover chiropractic care. Please consult with our insurance representative for verification of coverage options under your current policy. We are committed to doing whatever we can to insure that you receive the quality care and treatment you need.

6. How long will each treatment take?

The length of time required for each treatment depends upon the type of injury and required therapy. The average treatment time for a spinal manipulation and therapy is about 30 minutes. Spinal manipulation alone can be less than 20 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the injury.

7. How many treatments will be required each week for maximum healing?

Three treatments per week are usually required for most injuries. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the best days, since this schedule provides a day of rest between visits. Our office hours are 8am-7pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Tuesday 8am to 5:30pm. Scheduling appointments in advance enables us to reduce your time in the reception area and serve you more effectively.

8. Will my back stay in place after Dr. Free’s treatments are over?

Yes. Under normal circumstances, Dr. Free can prescribe an ongoing exercise program to do at home which will enable you to maintain good alignment and a healthy posture.

9. Why are x-rays necessary?

In most cases, x-rays are absolutely essential for effective diagnosis and treatment. Without the use of x-rays, the doctor would only be guessing about the actual cause of the pain and how to facilitate the healing process.

10. Once my condition has been corrected, should I continue treatments?

Yes. Monthly chiropractic treatments are a major part of maintaining a healthy body and spine. Studies have shown that people who receive regular chiropractic care have fewer back problems, spinal arthritis, and a variety of other related illnesses.

God Bless America

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4220 North Ocoee Street
Cleveland, TN  37312